Global Support Mission

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

July Update

Global Support with a Mission
July 2007

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. (Chinese Proverb). We are in the single step phase of the infrastructure at Global Support, moving from one stepping stone to another. We are looking further down the stepping stone pathway, and someone is coaching us in where we put our feet.

Hired a Consultant
As promised earlier in the year to our Board, we have hired a consultant to help us look to the future with more clarity and effectiveness, helping us to thrive as we move forward to make a difference in the places we have identified to take our teams. We expect to see our thoughts and ideas that rattle around in our heads and on lots of scratch paper, take more tangible shape. We are bringing our team along in the process as well. Then together we’ll all have more clarity of vision, mission, planning and focus, strategy and more.

First Step

They say ability is like a check, it has no value unless it is cashed. We are hoping to cash in on some of our talents. So, in this first leg we will help identify ability and passions. The idea is that when we focus on our strengths and talents then we are all more effective in what we do. This should translate to being more successful, happy and fulfilled personally and collectively.

We will let you know.

Thank you so much for your continued support and help to Global Support.

Leigh & Diane
Global Support